Elevating Possibilities, Loading Dreams

    Our Family Medicine Centers Health Power.

    Healthcare & Lifestyle

    Health Power Medical

    Saudi Health Power is a large group of Family Doctors and their healthcare teams working in Family Medicine Centers across the Kingdom to improve your health. As Family Doctors, they have experienced the “Medical Journey.” They know that obtaining healthcare can be complex, confusing, expensive, and take much of your time. It is often confusing to know which doctor to visit. A person may feel part of a large crowd searching for the necessary care.

    Saudi Health Power is pleased that you have chosen our team to provide you and your family with healthcare. Family Medicine Consultants lead our healthcare teams and include doctors whom we have trained to provide only the highest quality of care. We want you to be able to develop a lifelong relationship with your doctor and all the members of your healthcare team in the Family Medicine Center of your choice.


    Jordan, Saudi Arab

    Platform Users







    Health Power Medicine in Saudi Arabia faced significant challenges due to manual handling of tasks within their hospital centers. The absence of an automation system led to difficulties in managing patient data efficiently, resulting in confusion and errors. Overload of information compounded these issues, causing frustration and impacting the quality of healthcare services provided


    iWebwiser addressed Health Power Medicine's challenges by delivering a tailored solution to streamline their operations. This custom solution allowed Health Power Medicine to manage patient data, doctor appointments, medical reports, and lab reports efficiently. With accurate diagnosis and streamlined processes, Health Power Medicine improved their ability to provide effective treatment to patients. Additionally, the implementation of online consultancy services further enhanced their healthcare delivery system, providing instant solutions to patients' needs.


    Business Impact:

    Enhanced healthcare delivery efficiency leads to cost savings and improved patient outcomes, positioning Health Power Medicine as a trusted healthcare provider.

    User Impact:

    Patients receive faster and more convenient access to healthcare services, leading to improved health outcomes and satisfaction. and here is the list of features in Health Power Medicine. Users can also explore these features.

    • Family clinics are available for both virtual and physical visits.

    • Dental Clinics, Physiotherapy.

    • Primary Surgical Procedures.

    • Laboratories With Barcode Systems.

    • Health Program Specialized In Physical Fitness And Nutrition.

    • Home Medical Care system.

    • Training Courses In Health And Nutrition.

    • Transportation Means Suitable For Patients.

    • Online pharmacy for medication for patients.

    Technology stack


    System phases

    Phase -1

    • User Signup

    • User Login

    • Forgot Password

    • User Account/Profile Building and

    • Editing

    • Fellow/Unfollow

    • Follow/Unfollow

    • Account Settings/Preference

    • News Feed

    • Chat

    • Push Notifications

    • Email Templates

    • Business Pages

    • Groups

    • Notifications related to modules

    • Email templates related to modules

    Phase -2

    • Events

    • Push Notifications

    • Email Notifications

    Phase -3

    • Job Portal

    • Notifications related to

    • modules

    • Email templates related to

    • modules

    Phase -4

    • MarketPlace

    • Notifications related to

    • modules

    • Email templates related to

    • modules

    Client satisfaction and project success
